Join Master Access - Grow your practice rapidly by getting into new and exciting practice areas and learning new skills
Myths That Need Not Stop You
- I need grey hair to succeed as a lawyer
- I need to be born in an elite legal family to succeed in the profession
- I should not specialize early in my career. By specializing I will lose clients and it will be hard to manage.
- Business development is solicitation and therefore illegal. If we follow the footsteps of successful lawyers of the previous generation, we will succeed.
- Successful lawyers don’t need any management/ customer service/ technology/ marketing/ administration to run our practice profitably.
- It is better to practice in the Supreme Court or High Court rather than tribunals or lower courts.
- I must charge less than big law firm partners to get work from a client
- Big clients will prefer to go to big law firms only
- I have to pay my juniors less
- It would take a long time to train and onboard junior lawyers
- I live in a small city or town - there is no work here and absence of good opportunities
- The legal profession is unfair
- Seniors don’t pay or train, or invest in their juniors because juniors will leave
- Expectation of clients or seniors is very high
- The market is bad - we can’t do anything
- Clients try to take advantage of lawyers
- Courts are shut due to pandemic - how can I run a profitable practice in these times?
content 1
You do not have to depend on pure luck, or have grey hair or be a second or third generation lawyer to be recognized in the industry and run a flourishing and profitable law firm or practice.
The roadmap to build a successful law practice or a law firm is not a mystery.
Here are the 5 steps necessary for any lawyer to build a profitable practice.
Step 1: Learn how to solve a client’s problem, i.e. acquire specific technical skills which the market needs
The legal industry is evolving very fast - a client frequently approaches a small law firm owner or an independent practitioner for services straddling a combination of practice areas.
For example, advice on a fintech contract may require knowledge of technology laws, banking regulations, data protection, contract drafting, negotiation and dispute resolution all together.
Similarly, take the example of insolvency and bankruptcy work. For all of 2019 it was one of the most important areas of work for commercial litigators. As of 2020 after the COVID crisis, suddenly there is a moratorium on filing cases in the NCLT under IBC for insolvency and bankruptcy. However, right now the work that these lawyers should focus on is restructuring of loans. There is a lot of work in this area and few lawyers who can do it.
After a year, this could very well change again. Lawyers who do not rapidly respond to the market situation are likely to struggle.
These are just some examples - in reality, client problems pertain to many other practice area combinations.
The challenge for a small law firm owner or an independent practitioner in these situations is to inspire the client’s confidence in his ability to handle such complex work.
The best strategy is to choose a few niches like this (perhaps even just one) and build up a reputation as the ‘go-to lawyer’ for such work.
This kind of work can be very high margin, but several small law firms and independent lawyers fail to get such work. They stick to routine low-margin work, which is often the root of their problems.
You cannot wait to acquire prior experience or have years of expertise in these areas - you have to acquire the competence rapidly through your own resources.
Otherwise, by the time you learn enough about an area of work, it may fall out of favour or may become already too overcrowded to start out or the trend itself may alter in a way that it makes no sense to focus on it.
Speed and ability to adapt to changes in the market, therefore, is key to the success of the lawyers of the new generation. And this speed and adaptability comes from the ability to learn the trade rapidly rather than slowly through trial and error and observation.
The way lawyers used to learn a skill, and practice the same thing over their entire life, looks like a luxury today. Sometimes available, but we need to learn to live without it.
A library of courses in the Master Access program helps you with understanding client objectives and learning about legal services to be delivered
In the Master Access program, you will have access to a library of all our courses (excluding test preparation courses and dream job bootcamp) on a variety of practice areas for a period of 5 years from your enrolment. You will also have access to courses that are launched in future as well.
Here is a list of courses that are included. You can click on the relevant course and view its syllabus on a different page:
You will be granted access to additional courses which are launched at the time of launch.
As soon as you enrol, you are granted access to the entire library of study materials at once, including over 700 templates on different practice areas.
There are a lot of materials on career development available as well.
NOTE: University-certified courses and test prep courses are not included.
Participate in live classrooms for advanced discussions with practitioners
At this stage, you might be wondering how some study materials will help you learn new areas of work.
Our courses are not just a bunch of study materials. There are ‘live classrooms’ every week in each of our Executive Certificate courses and Diploma Courses, where practitioners with 5-15 years of experience in the relevant practice area teach practical aspects of that niche.
Once you enrol into the program, you have an onboarding call, in which you can choose specific courses to enrol and study. You can enrol in any number of courses at a time.
Apart from the courses you specifically study, you will also have access to a calendar reflecting all the live classes in all our courses. In a month, there are approximately 90 hours of class.
You can pick and choose which of the classes you would like to attend, even from the courses into which you have not specifically enrolled.
Because you may, from time to time, need to attend classes in a particular area of law to understand how to deal with a client query.
We are saying this because our class assignments and discussions are highly contemporary and evolve as per real-life developments.
For example, imagine that a client who runs a technology company has asked you about the implications of the COVID-19 lockdown on contracts executed across the board. You may be currently studying an arbitration course, but you can attend classes on these issues (or watch recordings) in the diploma in Contract Drafting, Executive Certificate in Real Estate Laws and the Diploma in Technology Laws to specifically identify which contracts will be hit and how, before you present a plan of action to the client.
If some of these discussions have already taken place, you can access our archives and find out.
In case you miss the sessions, you can access a recording of the session. All recordings are made accessible in 48 hours.
Additionally, as a Master Access program candidate, you can request additional sessions to be organized on specific topics, which will be taken on priority by us.
Step 2: Perform real work in simulated environments, get feedback and use the experience to inspire a client’s confidence
In every Diploma and Executive Certificate course of Lawsikho, there are mock exercises which simulate real client-work which lawyers who work on such practice areas perform for clients.
As a Master Access Program member, you can perform unlimited exercises from any of our courses, and get feedback from our experts, who will tell you how to do it right.
You can essentially identify the topics you want to learn, dig out practice exercises, watch relevant video recordings and attempt the exercises.
Our evaluators are specifically trained to provide you feedback that helps you to upgrade your skills to do client work, which is very different from what we get in colleges.
Doing simulation exercises and getting feedback is like going to the gym, but for your legal brain. It prepares you for real life client interactions. You will be able to think ahead of your clients issues, and it would reflect in your conversations with the client.
How does that sound for preparation?
Remember that this kind of preparation is necessary for building a track record in the practice areas of your interest, understanding a potential client’s objectives, inspiring confidence in the client to give you the work and for successful delivery of the work.
In a client meeting, you need to demonstrate the capability to handle the work in question, and the depth of your knowledge about not only the law but the commercial aspects and business practices has to be displayed in order to win the confidence of the client.
In addition, when you do not have a track record of handling such matters, you need to have at least a track record of writing insightful articles on such matters so that the clients can trust your claims of expertise in the area. Everyone googles you before they hire you, and what is seen when they google you matters!
Also, your social media profiles and what you post there counts. Clients often hire lawyers based on what they see as markers of success on the lawyer’s digital media profiles.
More about building track records in the next step.
Many lawyers are unable to obtain high-margin, career-defining, important work because they lack the confidence to perform such work successfully, and this is visible from the initial stages of client interactions itself.
Lack of confidence stems from many factors, such as lack of access to training, guidance and knowledge resources. However, the biggest reason is lack of preparation and in the long term, failure to build any demonstrable track record.
For example, many lawyers wait for the client to give the mandate to them or agree to a price quote first - but this in reality only leaves the client unsure of whether the lawyer is capable of delivering on the client’s needs. In reality, many lawyers expect to start learning about the practice area after getting the work.
There are other lawyers who are afraid to share relevant information with the client out of a concern that the client will take advantage of their inputs for free.
It is not possible in early years of your career, and even later, to know about every conceivable work that will come your way. However, it is entirely possible to prepare rapidly if you have access to the right resources so that you can demonstrate understanding to the client.
On the other hand, there are areas of work in which you will want to build a solid track record, and Master Access by LawSikho helps you with both.
Step 3: Learn how to write & publish articles, create videos and participate in webinars, and get noticed
It is one thing that you know the work, but another that the world knows that you can do that work competently and then wants to seek you out for your expertise. The legal market is crowded with many incompetent charlatans, as you probably know, and clients find it hard to trust most lawyers, and do not know how to find the right one.
Even if they know nothing about you, they begin with a lot of scepticism. You need to build a system to overcome this scepticism.
The biggest challenge you will have in developing your practice is to expose your knowledge and expertise in a demonstrable way to a large number of potential clients, and then to build trust with those people over time so that your name is the first one that pops up in their head when they think of that problem.
The most powerful way to do that is to write a number of articles in your chosen niche or practice areas. Apart from articles, making videos or offering webinars would also be equally powerful.
While you cannot advertise, it is important to demonstrate your expertise by writing and publishing articles on issues that your prospective clients may face through blog posts or LinkedIn.
For most lawyers, writing articles is a very time-consuming process - they park it for the court vacations or some other period of free time, and never end up doing it in the volume that is necessary. Videos and webinars are not in the radar of most - these are alien concepts for them.
Others write articles on complex theoretical issues and judgments, or prepare mere knowledge updates, which are read by other lawyers, but not by potential clients. That may work if your clients are other lawyers, such as for an advocate-on-record in the Supreme Court, but for others, fat chance.
At Lawsikho, we provide dedicated training and guidance on writing and publishing articles, and sometimes even making videos or offering webinars in your chosen areas of expertise every month.
We enable you to make writing and publication of an article a very rapid process under our guidance. More you write and publish, the more you expose your expertise to relevant groups of clients, and strategically done, this can open a flood gate of clients, sometimes in volumes that are more than what you can handle, forcing you to ramp up your work force.
If your article is of good quality, we also support you in publishing your article on the right platforms, including our own blog iPleaders, which is one of the largest legal blogs in the world with around a million unique readers per month.
You are free to publish your article anywhere else as well, with the acknowledgement that it was developed while you pursued the program. We often assist deserving articles to be published in leading publications.
Those who are interested in developing this skill further have the option to receive guidance on how to write and even publish a book pertaining to their area of interest, which can generate further interest from clients and help to establish their authority as a domain expert.
Videos and webinars are also absolutely amazing for this purpose. Doing more of these activities, you can rapidly grow your footprint and get noticed by potential clients.
Most lawyers do not have any structured business development strategy. They do not even narrow down to specific target groups, and try to cater to everyone, diluting the messaging and value.
How Lawsikho helps at this step - for writing and publishing articles, as well as other content such as videos and webinars
At LawSikho, in every premium course, we provide you comprehensive guidance on creating business development strategies, article writing and publishing, topic selection, structuring of your article, research and editing. As a Master Access subscriber, you will have access to training that helps you to create the right kind of content, plus you will get access to our platforms iPleaders blog, and LawSikho YouTube channel to showcase your work.
Step 4: Showcase your work, market yourself and connect with opportunities
After writing and publishing articles, it is important to regularly keep posting on your professional network and social media accounts so that your network, including potential clients, is aware of what you are working on.
You must not only share your articles, but also share other relevant content on your social media accounts. Most lawyers are extremely hesitant to do this. They simply do not know what content posting strategy to follow - should they post about some case law, a notification, a brilliant insight or brag about an article they recently published, or an award they recently received? What kind of online activity will be beneficial to their practice?
In our courses, you receive weekly coaching on how to share the insights that you are continuously learning, in a way that is relevant for your practice and attracts the right kind of attention.
Those who follow our guidance have seen traction on their social media profiles and receive requests to discuss issues and connect from potential clients, apart from generating multitudes of new followers.
In addition to writing articles, you will also need to connect with your audience through other media such as YouTube, Linkedin, TV debates, Instagram, or even TikTok. The choice of medium really depends on your target market. For example, if you are intending to give tax advice to newly rich instagram and tiktok influencers, you better be present there!
For example, Priyanka Khimani, a lawyer to many Bollywood celebrities and founder of Anand and Anand and Khimani regularly offers knowledge sessions on Instagram. Why? Obvious. Her audience is more active on Instagram rather than LinkedIn!
This is why you need to cultivate your social media network, build a substantial following, and engage in professional networking. Whether you believe it or not, and like it or not, your clients are probably on social media too! You need to post the right kind of content to appeal to them.
Every week, as you learn new skills, you will be coached on making videos and sharing on your social media accounts. You will have the option to publish on Lawsikho’s Youtube account, which has around 23,000 followers and is growing rapidly. Good articles and videos also get shared on our social media accounts, followed by hundreds of thousands of lawyers and professionals!
Imagine how that kind of exposure can help your practice.
Step 5: Learn how to build and grow your practice
Lawyers are misguided to think that growing a legal practice is different from growing a business.
Let me explain the conventional approach, borrowed from successful senior lawyers who made their name at least a decade or two back, and the new approach.
Conventional Approach to Building a Law Practice
The collegial approach to getting legal work - “if I practice for enough number of years and show up in the court often I would end up getting the clients one day” - does not hold valid anymore.
Most lawyers are still trying to build their law practice the way their forefathers did.
The old methods do not work anymore - in the age of Netflix, why do you assume that the way to make it in the legal profession is how people used to make it in the age of transistor radios?
Most importantly, the number of lawyers was nothing compared to what it is today. Bar Council of India has sanctioned more than 1 lakh seats per year in Indian law colleges. 20 years back,India used to have less than 10,000 seats in law colleges in a year.
Can you imagine how the competition has been increasing?
You can no more take the local kirana store approach to building a law practice.
People open a grocery shop in any neighbourhood and just hope people will come and buy as long as the shop is close to those people’s residence and there is stock!
A lot of lawyers have the exact same approach to running a law practice. Professionals like doctors and lawyers indeed used to operate this way at some point.
New Approach to Building a Law Practice
Clients will not come automatically just because you have opened a chamber in a certain neighbourhood.
The way to build a law practice has changed.
Growing a legal practice is very similar to growing a business. It is a service business. It is subject to rules of economy, marketing, sales, innovation, customer service and fulfillment.
The good news is that the Indian economy has grown and demand for legal work has increased exponentially in the past 3 decades.
There were not so many laws, rules, practice areas or forums even 20 years back. Law is far more complicated than what it used to be. So is the practice of law.
Also there was no technology to speak of. Information asymmetry helped lawyers make easy money.
Today, you can see that even the big law firms have their own business development teams, PR teams and external consultants helping them with business development, client retention and brand building.
You will also see young lawyers setting up their own law firms. You may notice many of them coming up from nowhere to build strong legal brands and fabulous law firms with top clients.
We have interviewed many of them on lawsikho YouTube channel.
How are these young lawyers building their own law firms which reach a turnover of crores of rupees within a few years?
At LawSikho, we have worked with hundreds of young lawyers setting up their own law firms successfully.
We have helped them in many ways to ramp up their law practices. We will talk about that shortly, but here I want to highlight that your success in the legal profession does not depend on having grey hair and spending a lot of time in the profession.
Young lawyers with superior strategy frequently succeed in a big way, and do not need to wait for their hairs to turn gray.
You can succeed based on your natural abilities and strengths. However, you still have to take care of every aspect of the business at some level.
Many lawyers do not focus on how to manage their practice from the perspective of a service-oriented business.
They tend to focus too much only on one pillar of their business - such as their knowledge and ability, work experience under a specific senior or a brand name at a marquee law firm or an LLM at a renowned educational institution, while others focus too much on their relationships with the bar and the bench, and ignore the rest at great cost.
As a lawyer interested in high quality legal work, you must be able to demonstrate some kind of track record. And the easier it is for the clients to discover your track record, on their own, without your intervention, higher is the chance that they will hire you.
In order to build a steady pipeline of clients, you need to build a system that markets your practice even when you are sleeping. People with the right set of problems should hear about you, discover you, and have a desire to reach out to you to start a conversation.
You also need a system to initiate and then nurture conversations with potential clients.
We do not recommend or teach that you directly solicit any client. That would be illegal. We only suggest that you create such conditions that clients would want to reach out on their own.
With Master Access, you get complimentary access to our Legal Practice Development and Management course, which will help you a great deal to take a fresh look at your practice as a service-oriented business.
With the help of that course, you would be able to work for achieving excellence in every aspect of your practice, such as lead generation, branding, service delivery, client satisfaction, automation and process improvement, developing collaterals like websites and brochures, hiring and retention, client counselling, etc.
How does Master Access help?
- You get access to Master Access for 5 years. That means unlimited access to all’s current and future online courses (to be launched during your access) for the duration of your participation in the Acceleration Program.
- Even if we launch a new course, you will automatically be entitled to access it, no matter what the price may be. However, bootcamps and test prep courses are not included. List of courses is at the end.
- Attend as many classes as you want in a week from any course - the class schedule is shared in advance. Currently, there are approximately 90 hours of class every month on skills pertaining to different legal practice areas, from corporate, intellectual property, tax, litigation, real estate to technology laws.
- Receive coaching and practice to improve technical skills. Perform 2 practical exercises every week (per course) to acquire skills in your selected practice area. Receive in-line written feedback on your exercises. Enrol in as many courses as you want at once.
- Every week, you practice sharing the knowledge and insights you acquired by sharing practical exercises on your social media profiles.
- Obtain access to a library of 1000+ templates (and growing) that makes you more efficient in comparison to other lawyers, while handling client matters. You can use the library to work on complex matters which are outside your regular area of expertise. Owing to superior training, you are able to use and customize the templates appropriately for your clients. You also have priority support on requests for new templates.
- You get access to our members-only paid Facebook group, where we will share amazing insider content on jobs, opportunities, future of law, legal technology and whatnot. All for free.
- You get priority in getting questions answered and doubts cleared as a Master Access program member. You also get priority for personal coaching, direct calls with the LawSikho team, priority customer support and job and recruitment support.
- Coaching on showcasing your work - choose a course pertaining to any practice area in which you want to develop expertise and write 10 articles at least every year (we strongly recommend that you write 50) and get them published online.
- Priority service of requests for specialized templates.
- You can request special sessions and webinars.
How will my practice grow? What are the results and outcomes I can look forward to?
We can train you to develop your own client base by acquiring technical skills on new and emerging areas, showcasing your work and delivering value to clients.
If you practice independently, you can earn from INR 50,000 to INR 2 lakhs or more of monthly income, have a work-life balance, a growing practice and recognition for your work.
You can then move on to build a law firm (see below), or continue to work as an independent practitioner and work on the highest value and highest margin matters.
If you are running a small law firm, you can double your revenues in 6 months, identify new niches to specialize in, improve training for your juniors, build a superior and more cohesive team, dominate your niche and be respected for your work.
You can even run a highly profitable practice with an annual turnover of INR 1 crore or more.
If you already have a law firm with optimized processes and juniors, you can scale your practice to INR 10,00,000 or more of revenue per month, that is, an annual turnover of INR 1.2 crores.
Let me explain how.
Stage 1
You learn the technical skills to work on complex, high-margin matters. You publish your work and start posting content on your social media, and grow your network. You engage in a ‘one to many format’ or a broadcast form. Some of the people who view your content reach out to you to connect one on one and discuss challenges you are facing.
Stage 2
Since you know about their challenges and how to solve them, the clients find value in your interactions. Some of them engage you to work on a paid matter. You initially start off with a smaller one-off mandate, yielding anything between INR 10,000 to INR 30,000 per legal transaction or work.
Stage 3
As you serve clients on such mandates successfully, a few of the clients begin to trust you. Some of the clients who are fast growing and who have more legal work will prefer to bring some certainty to his or her legal expenses, at which stage you can offer retainers of INR 15,000 to INR 30,000 per client.
Every retainer you offer limits your time and scope of work. You could, for example, give 10 hours of time to a client for a monthly retainer of INR 30,000.
If you work for 8 hours a day (most lawyers work more), assuming a 40 hour work-week of 5 days, you will work for approximately 180 hours.
If you charge a reasonable sum of INR 3000 per hour, you can effectively serve 4 retainers and earn INR 1,20,000, by working for 40 hours.
Next, you double this - if you have 8 retainers, of an average of 10 hours each, you can earn INR 2,40,000 per month.
Free up time for learning, brand building and leisure
That still leaves you with 100 hours in the month, for connecting with new opportunities, further learning, brand-building, thought leadership and growing your practice. You would also have far more time to yourself, despite a growing practice.
You can use this time to grow your practice even further to the next level.
How soon can I get there?
Now, I want to be realistic here.
Not everyone is at the same level, nor do everyone put in the same work. Therefore, not everyone gets the same results.
However, here is a minimal outcome we have seen many lawyers just starting out achieving.
Let’s say you are already earning INR 30,000 per month, and want to take it to INR 1 lakh per month.
In about 6 months, if you are doing ALL the work we give you, just by learning the technical skills we impart, connecting with opportunities and by closing clients, you can earn an additional INR 30,000 to INR 50,000 per month, if you simply close two retainers. This represents an increase in annual income by INR 360,000 to INR 600,000.
Most of our students achieve far more. Taking their income to 2-4 lakh per month region is not unheard of.
Even law students have managed to earn a decent amount every month following our methodology!
Through your participation in the program and performance of real life work, you will simultaneously improve your understanding of client’s problems, learn from your experiences of real client delivery, increase your portfolio of work, connect with new opportunities and close better, onboard more effectively, deliver better service, and also start getting more work and referrals from existing clients.
This will grow the number of mandates you are working on, and increase monthly turnover.
At the same time, the velocity at which you receive client mandates and convert them into retainers will increase.
In another 3-4 months, you may be able to double this and close two more retainers, and maybe more.
That amounts to an increase of INR 720,000 to INR 12,00,000 per annum.
This is only the first year.
Now, imagine what you can achieve in 5 years.
In about a year and a half, your ability to serve clients individually will be maxed out - at this time, you can exclusively focus on work of higher margins, or better still, automate some parts of your practice, hire more lawyers and create a law firm, so that you can focus on high margin work and building your brand, while your team manages the remaining aspects of your practice.
If you already have a small law firm but your revenue is below INR 24,00,000 per annum, then you need to follow the above steps to optimize your lead generation, client delivery and client success mechanism, before you start with the steps below.
If you are already making INR 24 lakhs or above, then you can dive right in and focus on raising your turnover to INR 1 crore or above, by providing access to your team. For team pricing, please talk to us directly. Please note that otherwise a single subscription of Master Access is meant to be used by 1 person only.
The goal here is to expand your practice, work on headlining matters, generate more clients, maintain consistency and quality in service delivery.
This requires focus on hiring and training of juniors, creation of quality management processes, automation of your practice, focus on PR and brand-building.
You cannot afford to work on every matter from scratch. Over time, your personal involvement in different client matters reduces to the most essential, high-value tasks, and on quality control.
For some mandates, your juniors may successfully handle the entire delivery.
As a result, you can pay your juniors better, and you will have the time to focus on more high margin work yourself. You will also be able to spend time on brand building.
Your firm will earn more.
The juniors who perform well can be promoted to senior associates or partners over time.
The firm will begin to look like a real law firm with multiple partners working hard to grow it.
You will spend a lot more time on brand building. You can work on headlining matters, your juniors can be mentioned in media coverage.
You, and your juniors start to feel satisfied about the practice you are developing.
This is a win-win scenario for all.
You continue your learning of cutting-edge matters.
Your practice thrives, and you grow to new levels.
What is the ROI of the program? When is the right time to do it?
Imagine if you could have accomplished these results two, three or five years back.
Where would you have been today?
How much will you pay to go back in time so that you can earn INR 2 lakhs per month or have a 1 crore practice per year?
What is the emotional and financial cost of not taking action now, of not making progress, while a few lawyers, maybe some of them your batchmates as well, get promoted in their corporate jobs and big law firms to senior positions, win awards and earn lakhs every month?
What would you have to do to be in a position where those very same batch-mates and peers who become partners in law firms and general counsels respect you for your work?
What is it worth if other independent lawyers and small law firm owners are inspired by your accomplishments?
What is it worth if your juniors look at you as a role model? What is it worth if other young lawyers entering the profession compete to be your juniors and want to be mentored by you?
How much is this kind of success worth to you?
Most independent lawyers and small law firm owners pay about 10-15 lakhs in the security deposit for an office in a marquee location, furnishing an office and building a swanky library - all of which do not increase the chances of securing client mandates by much in absence of substance.
These activities do not appreciably increase their chances of securing clients in today’s world.
The Master Access Program costs INR 1.5 lakhs (that is if you pay in installments, and 1.25 lakhs if you pay upfront), a small fraction as compared to the value that you can generate in your career.
If you are clear about how you will use this program, you can go ahead and enrol in the program.
However, we understand that for some of you, before taking a decision to enrol, you may have questions or clarifications.
To understand more about how you can use the program to grow your practice, you can schedule a free discovery session with experts who have coached thousands of young lawyers in building successful careers over the past 10 years by clicking here
We are clarifying that this program is not meant for everyone, and before you actually think of buying it, we are interested in ensuring that this program is the right fit for you, given the position in which you are currently in your career.
5 steps to rapid growth: how we help legal entrepreneurs like you to take things to next level
What we have done for some of our past clients
Testimonials of our clients

The templates provided in the course material have been very useful. The access has helped in building my practice. It has given me confidence in taking up and guiding my clients

Master Access serves as a primary destination for both research and learning as far as I am concerned. I have also benefited from all the templates you have added based on my specific request.

I liked the fact that concepts were explained in very simple language. I can look up a topic with just a few clicks and being sure that I will find the answer I need was really helpful.

Do we guarantee any results?
The actual results that you achieve will depend on the effort put in by you to implement the learnings from the program in your practice.
We have deployed pre-determined mechanisms to deliver value to you on the steps mentioned above.
We will also be available to guide you on specific requests that you have if you get stuck while implementing these. Feel free to reach out to us for any additional guidance.
However, the responsibility to implement and use the learning rests ultimately upon you. For example, if you do not reach out to clients or do not publish articles to showcase your work or do not actively learn new skills which are imparted in our courses, you may not get the growth that you want.
You will get some reminder mails and follow up calls from us if we see you are slacking, of course.
What if you don’t benefit from this program? Is there a refund policy?
We have a full refund policy, provided you follow the program diligently for 30 days and then want a refund, anytime between the 30th and 45th day.
If you take the program, follow at least one diploma or executive certificate course diligently for a month, attend all the classes live and perform all the exercises but still do not find value in Master Access, or are not able to understand or follow it or not find it good for any reason, we will refund the entire course fee to you.
It is a 100% money-back guarantee with only one condition, you must pursue it properly for a month. If you don’t find it valuable after that, get your entire money back. Refer to our refund policy here.
The most important question
What is the one problem that can’t wait? What do you need to fix immediately?
You cannot wait anymore for growth and getting ahead - whether it means getting new clients, performing high-quality work, earning more, expanding your practice, etc.
If you do not take a new action, you run the risk of staying where you are. You run the risk of stagnation, even as your peers get ahead.
You will need to decide for yourself whether you are willing to shoulder that risk.
If not, are you ready to get professional help?
Your growth and the future of your practice depends on the decision you take now.
To know more about how the Master Access program can specifically help you, schedule a free discovery session here with one of our coaches who have helped thousands of lawyers build successful careers.
Pitfalls to avoid, even if you shut this window and never return
You may not want to proceed any further and close this window. Irrespective of how you proceed, remember that you cannot afford to make the following mistakes:
- Asking prospective clients to give you work first, before you learn skills
- Looking for a highly paid job at a big brand name or a famous law firm first to give you top-notch experience
- Depending on your senior to teach you everything necessary to build a successful practice
- Thinking that there are no opportunities in your area or in the legal profession
- Believing that clients don’t pay lawyers until they have grey hair
- Limiting yourself to the same practices which your seniors who built a successful law practice a few generations before used
- Thinking that online courses cannot teach any practical skills
If any of these things are preventing you from seriously engaging with the question on whether Master Access can help you, please reach out to us and have a conversation.
- Unlimited access to a library of courses & templates for 5 years, including those which will be launched in future
- Rapid training and personal coaching to develop in demand new legal skills
- Education that is practical and not just abstract theory - learn how to solve a client’s problem by acquiring specific technical skills which the market needs
- Exclusive training program for growing and managing your law practice
- Opportunity to showcase your knowledge by writing articles and making videos, and placing them on iPleaders blog, LawSikho YouTube channel, and associated blogs and channels, thereby getting access to a huge audience which can send you work.
- Professional networking - participate in our jobs, internships and referral opportunities groups - opportunities are shared by over 6000 and growing alumni every day
- Goal setting and review coaching calls
- Priority customer support
- Priority access to job and recruitment support through our placement office
- You can even request for courses, templates and webinars, which we don't already have, and we give these requests a high level of priority
- Priority access to our events
- Access to an exclusive whatsapp group and facebook community with other master access students which you can use for networking, referral opportunities and brainstorming ideas
Schedule a free discovery session to know more about how you can build a practice
Course Plan
Above prices are inclusive of all applicable taxes and charges. Option to convert your payment into 2 instalments is available on checkout page.